Saturday, 5 July 2014

someone to be excellent to

"I love you."

A pause, to catch my breath.
For feelings to settle, for words well-meant to sink in.

"Can I kiss you?"

Words falling hot and sticky from warm lips.

"I don't know, can you?"

Laughter. A gentle punch on the shoulder.

And then the kissing;
softly tender.

a nudge of noses,
a bump of teeth,
chapped lips briefly brushing.

A smile.
A feather light breath on sunburned skin.
Traipsing home
with grubby knees,
torn dungarees,
a bucket of tadpoles
and a love
that lifted heavy hearts and tired eyes.

Another pause; this time to ruminate on the idea of being young,
here and now,
and so simply in love.

We are all just searching for someone to be excellent to.

some context:

the idea is that this poem works as one poem but also as two different ones. The poem in normal type is about a first kiss, and the poem in italics is about a young love, and the last line in the centre is supposed to tie them both together.

let me know what you think about the format; i tried it in a few different ways!

i tried to write a happy poem and i suppose this is almost there.
i don't know. it's warm and i'm tired.

much love


1 comment:

  1. Love this Gee! although I do feel as though 'sunburnt' rather than 'sunburned' reads better. xxx
