Wednesday 29 January 2014

on life, living, and Bob Dylan in the morning.

this morning I think I really lived.
I really live every day
but this morning I could feel myself being alive.
i felt endless.
we captured a small second of infinity,
and all it took was a little moment.
we woke up together,
twisted limbs and tired eyes
the room smoky and cluttered with wine glasses
and the sweet smell of the night before.
you clicked open spotify
on our old desktop
and I eased the creaky window open,
drawing the blinds slowly to let the crisp January air into our tiny cluttered room.
we settled back down under the tangled duvet,
sharing warmth through the gentle brushes of bare arms.
you tapped at your laptop keys as Bob Dylan sang from the battered computer speakers,
and I sat and breathed
appreciating this quiet moment with you, the air and Bob Dylan for company.
and so I remembered how being really alive feels,
and I savoured it,
because whilst I live every day,
I don't feel it very often.


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